Minor surgery that does not require the patient to stay in hospital overnight.
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Successful day surgery is dependent on adequate community nursing.
It is also hoped the hospital will be able to offer more day surgery rather than admitting patients for overnight stays when they have operations.
Mr Hackett said of the proposed bed cuts: ‘More services will be provided closer to where patients live and we will be making more use of day surgery, which patients prefer.’
Studies that examine the effect of follow-up telephone calls after day surgery report increased patient satisfaction.
In many cases patients will need only to attend day surgery rather than be detained overnight in hospital.
Local anaesthesia, either by widespread infiltration or aimed to block particular nerves, is now widely used for day surgery, and also to provide postoperative pain relief.
It will mean that Elmbridge residents booked in for planned orthopaedic surgery or day surgery will soon have to travel to Ashford.
The plan may mean patients receiving day surgery will have to travel outside the city for their operation.
There will be more day surgery and more same-day test and diagnosis.
Many interventions can be delivered through day surgery rather than lengthy hospital stays.
It may be performed as day surgery (you will be allowed to go home the same day), but usually you will need to stay in hospital overnight.
Thanks to advances in anaesthetics, day surgery may be the best option for many operations previously requiring a stay in hospital.
The findings of this study are not generalizable to all patients undergoing same day surgery because only a limited number of surgical procedures and a small patient sample were used.
Dr Jones was also concerned hospitals could use the money from fines to undertake more day surgery, which could then lead to more people blocking beds.
Patients requesting or requiring surgical treatment were placed on a list for elective day surgery, and they were treated in the standard way by experienced operators.
Now, because of day surgery, we have only 328 beds, because patients don't have to stay here for so long.
Rates of day surgery more than doubled over the same period.
These would have no accident and emergency services and would largely provide day surgery and convalescent care.
Existing single speciality hospitals could then be used for elective day surgery and outpatient work
The next few years may see the insertion of a hip prosthesis or the repair of an aortic aneurysm performed as day surgery.