It produces small quantities of very small berries in the Douro valley and, increasingly, the Portuguese Dāo region which result in deep-coloured, very tannic, concentrated wines.
It is capable of producing deep-coloured, velvety reds with sufficient concentration - provided yields are limited - to merit ageing in oak and then bottle.
The principal grape variety used to be Kadarka supplemented by an aromatic, deep-coloured grape known locally as Médoc Noir.
Its 2002 seed catalogue includes 'Royal Purple' (20 seeds/£2.49) with spurless deep-coloured double flowers up to 60 cm high.
Deep-coloured nail enamel is suitable for use with thin hands having big joints.
The exhibition features iconic Tanjore paintings with detailing in gold foil relief studded with deep-coloured stones.
The words 'Portuguese architecture' tend to conjure up a vision of deep-coloured tiles, the kind that fill the facades of the houses that tourists see when visiting the southern parts of Lisbon.
It needs plenty of sunshine to ripen the skin and make deep-coloured wine.