In the face of expected hostility from fiery crowds, England's second-highest wicket-taker insists the squad are well prepared for another Ashes tour full of drama, tension and "pommy-bashing".
His approach lacks the occasional acidity or 'pommy-bashing' tone that other writers show.
This might have been an energetic exercise in cheap shots and blatant pommy-bashing.
It has been calculated to appeal to an Australian love of 'pommy-bashing'.
He has admitted deliberately provoking Her Majesty's Government with some strategic pommy-bashing on the opening day of the London hearings.
There was a lot of Pommy-bashing.
The drama was ridiculed by most of the 'quality' press as a melodramatic exercise in 'Pommy-bashing' which played fast and loose with the true history of World War I.
I'd walk round the grounds to take some pommy-bashing.
This time, weak early opponents and poor weather, both out of their control, failed to ready them for the outbreak of Pommy-bashing that erupted when they arrived in Brisbane for the first Test.
The endless pommy bashing by many Australians, particularly among the media, is beginning to become tiresome.