After years of polluting, processing and over-refining our food, we are suffering from adverse health problems and, worse still, we are inflicting them on our children.
The writer sometimes tended to over-elaborate and over-refine his subject's language in later versions and revisions.
Over-refining foods involves the addition of unhealthy ingredients.
What I hear you saying is that your experience here has made you appreciate our cooking for it's subtlety, which is a great compliment to me, maybe the greatest, and I guess I would caution against equating that with over-refinement.
Example sentencesExamples
Could they have been warnings against over-indulgence and over-refinement that might weaken Manchu culture?
In the vigorous and philosophical introduction to his book, he remarked severely: ‘a certain over-refinement of the art of cookery is tending to appear among civilised people.’
Shyness, over-refinement, physical fear and revulsion: this, he seems to understand, is the repertoire of an all-round loser, denying him the compensatory feeling of heroic virtue or a conviction that he is fighting to save his soul.
I am preoccupied with the idea of over-refinement, which is the theme behind a lot of horror stories the over-refinement of a sensibility.