It seems Bulgaria's expat life revolves around the long established and quite fascinating background of an attractive mid-European city, as well as an interesting countryside.
Although the later work is expressionist in character it is free of the mid-European nihilism often associated with expressionism.
Lambert Wilson is stuck with an unnecessary mid-European accent for no reason other than the fact that his French accent was so compelling in The Matrix Reloaded that they had to dump it.
Only the unmistakable lilt of his mid-European accent gives a clue to his unsettled past.
The Pomeranian takes its name from Pomerania, in Germany, and it is generally thought to be of mid-European origin.
The large slice of aubergine was infused with the sweet taste of the chutney, and the addition of the cheese and olives transformed it from some sort of mid-European mishmash into a dish with a stunning range of flavours.