Pop music intended mainly for dancing to at discos, typically soul-influenced and melodic with a regular bass beat and popular particularly in the late 1970s.
When we started our record label, disco music was selling.
Most of the film shows elderly couples dancing to disco music in an outdoor dance hall.
As the show, like the film, was created to promote disco music and dancing, the greater part of the evening is taken up by dance.
The disco music was great and I agree, what a tearjerker!
Rock lost it's way a bit in the 70s with the rising popularity of disco music.
Her English was broken and hard to understand especially with loud blaring disco music almost drowning her out.
There was a party atmosphere with entertainers, clowns and disco music.
But it is important for you to realise that gay people aren't all the same, they're not all clones who listen to disco music and do interior design.
A DJ played 60s disco music during the evening with dancing after the meal.
Brian said: ‘Some people have accused us of being too serious and said we need to listen to disco music and lighten up.’
‘This is not a movie,’ promised the announcer, who provided commentary and pounding disco music during the show.
Younger listeners will be catered for by over five hours of pop, rock and disco music each weekday night and by weekend programming.
In their latest show, the ‘girls’ pay tribute to the music of the 80s when disco music was all the rage.
Pulsing disco music emanated from a DJ station in the middle as skaters whirled by.
The handful of spectators and a couple of journalists were ‘entertained’ with disco music while tardy officials snail paced their way in getting matches going.
There will be live music and disco music from the '60s, '70s, '80s and '90s.
My doctor's office plays classic disco music, it's awesome.
All we needed was some disco music and a cocktail and it'd have been a regular sea tea.
And the festival culminates with a night of disco music at the town hall.
Everyone enjoyed the supper and then the floor was cleared for dancing to some disco music from the 60s.