And when the issue of civil unions was raised, the law was quietly passed and the voters demanded that there be a revote because so few people knew that that initial vote was taking place.
But by ordering a revote - and presenting no evidence that it had, in fact, been inundated with complaints - the International undermined the local leadership.
Thailand has a new election commission with powers to disqualify poll cheats and call revotes.
But, with respect to the last vote and the revote on it, I believe that was correctly done.
The first vote - a tie - was an embarrassment for Sharon, who forced a revote in which 13 ministers voted in favor and 9 against.
Keough insisted that Rossi's single-mindedness in pursuing a gubernatorial revote has not harmed his future political career in the eyes of the state's voters.
The forced revote highlights the treacherous role of the UFCW bureaucracy, which systematically isolated the four-month grocery strike before it was defeated.
Under Thailand's new electoral laws, the commission has sweeping powers to order a revote if it suspects vote buying or fraud has taken place.
Conflicts continue between the opposing camps following the decision by the Ukraine Supreme Court to annul the disputed result of the presidential election of November 21 and order a revote on December 26.
They will also support calls for the event to be rotated by continent and challenge the composition of Fifa's executive, a third of whom are from Europe, but had not yet decided whether to call for a revote for the 2006 event, Jordaan told AFP.
Justices have thrown out the nominal victory of the sitting prime minister and now called for a revote, a revote that will happen December 26.
After Gregoire's certification, the GOP launched a major court challenge to Gregoire's election and at one point demanded a statewide revote.
The company agreed to hold a revote later this year.
After initial threats to hold a revote - which almost certainly would have gone against the company - all three unions seized upon the change at the top as justification for confirming their acceptance of the earlier ratification vote.
Wednesday's settlement between the two camps and the vote in parliament pave the way for a revote that most observers believe will be won by Yushchenko.
‘A revote would be the best solution for the people of our state, and would give us a legitimate governorship,’ his letter said.
Finally, the Clerk involves voters in facilitating not only recounts and redundant checks but revotes as well.
Such a revote would be unprecedented in US history.
Well, the European parliament weighed in today on the Ukrainian election mess, joining the opposition's calls for a revote and rebuking the Russian president, who today called a new vote pointless.
Postelection lawsuits filed by local lawyers challenging the butterfly ballot - and calling for a revote - fizzled.