It provides a living reminders to the Ilonggos of their heritage, their cultural and spiritual roots.
Present-day Ilonggo are one result of tribal intermixing.
Possessing the resilience and determination of their forebears, the Ilonggos slowly regained their foothold.
After all, an Ilonggo party without the sound of those little tiles being shuffled is no party at all.
In this parade, the usually conservative Ilonggos paint their bodies, wear warrior costumes with shields and ‘native weapons’, and become uninhibited in expressing their joy.
We tried Ilonggo rap songs, gathering beats and ask for the help of a friend who is also a producer.
The Ilonggo always finds an occasion to show his material affluence and his famous brand of hospitality.
The history, industries, natural resources, cultural values and traditions of rural and urban families, and acceptable management styles used by Ilonggo people are all described in simple terms.
As the President approached the Jalandoni Bridge which she inaugurated earlier today, the Ilonggos waved banners and placards conveying their continuing support for the Chief Executive.