A small electronic typewriter and screen linked to a telephone system, enabling people with hearing or speech difficulties to send and receive messages.
Example sentencesExamples
Walking back into the town centre, Simon spotted that several of the public telephones had been installed with a new minicom system.
If you have any enquiries and use a minicom or textphone, phone Balham Library on 8871 7195 to use this service.
Anyone who has used a minicom knows how slow, tedious and cumbersome the communication process can be.
One patient said that she used an acoustic coupler with the telephone, and another three used a minicom.
We have a minicom for use by deaf people.
Three agencies made provision for minicom or textphone users (a free service primarily for the hearing handicapped).
For deaf and hard of hearing enquiries, the helpline will offer minicom access at a local rate on 0845 070 4003.