Readers may recall the legendary story of the 20-year-old Taiwanese woman who had to have a mobile phone surgically removed from her back passage after a sex game went horribly wrong.
He later claimed it was for his personal use to alleviate pain in his back passage.
Because one of the tell-tale symptoms is bleeding from the back passage.
She flipped me over, pulled down my bikini and without any word of an excuse me or a shake of the hand she had stuck a thermometer up my back passage.
These are investigations using a long, thin telescope (a colonoscope or sigmoidoscope) that is passed via the back passage, so a doctor can directly view the bowel.
The children in Garavogue Villas have got it on their face, legs, genitals and back passage.
When one of my own patients casually mentioned to me that he had been bleeding from the back passage, I suggested that he should come and see me in the surgery.
One can only hope that no budding terrorist ever gets caught smuggling explosives onto a plane by storing them in his back passage.
For the test, a fluid containing barium dye is inserted into the back passage.
Resting comfortably on one side, most people feel only a little discomfort as the colonoscope is carefully inserted into the back passage.
If you have bleeding from the back passage or any swellings around the opening to the bowel (the anus), see your GP.