I know that employers are frustrated about industrial disputes and their potential impact upon production and export markets.
And the fuel protests were very different in nature from the industrial disputes that led to the toppling of Jim Callaghan's Labour government.
1985 saw the Wapping industrial disputes with the print unions while 1986 brought the Westland affair.
Electricians who staged one of the country's longest-running industrial disputes - and won celebrity backing - were unfairly sacked, a tribunal decided.
Not really surprising given that those making the news were reporting their own situation, but quite different to how industrial disputes are usually covered.
I presume they were not originally bought to cover industrial disputes, so it appears they are part of a national emergency support service.
Work began on the original St John's in 1971 but it was not completed until 1981, due to one of the country's longest ever industrial disputes.
The rubbish had not been cleared from the tip because the local authority had not wanted to aggravate an industrial dispute with its employees.
In all industrial disputes at least two parties are involved.
French strikers make a ‘lot of noise’ but the country loses relatively few hours to industrial disputes, she claimed.
East Lancashire firefighters were travelling to London today to discuss the industrial dispute with MPs.
The rise, far in excess of the current 3% rate of inflation, dwarfs pay claims at the heart of several recent industrial disputes.
The first thing is that it is not strictly a dispute, in the sense that we have got an industrial dispute with an employer.
Many employers do appear prepared to go down the conciliatory path because the role of the employment lawyer in industrial disputes is changing.
‘There are fewer days lost in industrial disputes under this Government then under the previous Conservative government,’ he said.
Firefighters in Greater Manchester have launched their latest industrial dispute - over a goatee beard.
I fail to see the case for a big shake-up with labour markets working well and few industrial disputes, in the private sector at least.
The collapse of social partnership raises fears the country will face a wave of bitter industrial disputes as unions and individual employers clash over wage claims.
It consists of 11 employees in an industrial dispute.
It swallowed billions in state aid but its 150,000 workers were unhappy and often at the centre of industrial disputes.