The celebration of Empire Day became an annual event in the majority of schools, and was fostered by features on the BBC and in the Radio Times.
From public schools to elementary schools, the history of the empire was still little taught, while for most young people Empire Day meant an extra holiday rather than a commitment to dominion over palm and pine.
She was there at their first gig, when they performed as Johnny and the Rainbows from the back of a lorry on Empire Day in 1956.
On Empire Day, all the children wore red, white and blue ribbons in their hair and daisy chains around their necks and gathered in the playground to sing songs to an audience of parents.
In her childhood Empire Day was a big annual event and her teacher used to get the class to look out of the school window and see the Union flag flying.
Over the years it changed its name numerous times - first becoming Empire Day, then Commonwealth Day.