She said the man, who spoke with a northern accent, arrived at the site nearly two weeks ago in his motor caravan to stay in a luxury static caravan.
Next year, Ruth and I are planning to tour the whole of the country in a motor caravan.
Disabled drivers can continue to use the crossing for free, while cars and motor caravans will still pay £1.
Many of the latest motor caravans had their credentials checked at the recent Motor Caravan Design and Drive competition, now in its sixth year, which attracted 38 entries from 23 manufacturers and importers.
Certified small sites can take up to five caravans, motor caravans or trailer tents at any one time and are for the exclusive use of Caravan Club members.
In 1923, a former naval architect, Melville Hart, built a double-decker motor caravan on a Renault military chassis.