As I'm writing this, I've just noticed out of my office window, at the other end of the hall - in my eyeline - they're setting up a FREE BAR.
What that required was for Paul to have a relationship with them, otherwise they'd be looking out for their trainer and throwing their eyeline in the wrong direction.
Also, for 20 years I've been a vocal supporter of women's fights, gay rights, and AIDS awareness, so that would put me in the eyeline of the community.
A frame that adds width below the eyeline can minimize a wide forehead and high cheekbones.
I'm not very much in favour of the bottle bank that the Council have installed in my eyeline from one of those windows.
They were probably there, but out of my eyeline, watching me.
I kept watching as she went past and my eyeline was drawn to her left arm which I had noticed was behind her back.
Bereft of any ally, I switched my eyeline to Evo, who half-grinned as we exchanged glances.
The car's builder maintains that this radical resiting of the speedo is based on a series of complex ergonomic calculations relating to the driver's eyeline and posture.
In the meantime I accidentally leave publicity material for various local computer firms in the direct eyeline of the Treasurer, while stirring up the technophobia within the ranks of our co-op's membership.
After a number of attempts to locate the disturbance in the area, the police finally cottoned on to the world above their eyeline and raided the place.
He said: ‘We did not receive these leaflets despite Holcombe facing directly across the valley from this site, at the same eyeline, where we will experience the full visual impact.’
If the first two numbers had just switched then I would still have had a 281 and a 282 in my eyeline.
If you'd walked past, you'd probably have missed it, just another dirty Glasgow building stretching above the eyeline.