The fragile nature of the ballet dancer's trade is brought into excruciating focus when the company's most prized ballerina snaps her Achilles tendon in rehearsal.
She was the most beautiful horse in the world; black like ebony, and she danced through the fields like a ballet dancer.
At the same time, the top-heavy elements often seem to rest gracefully on a tiny base, balanced like a ballet dancer on pointe.
I'm a ballet dancer and have been dancing for ten years.
I'm a former ballet dancer who prided myself on being in shape.
I am a ballet dancer who has always been a fan of tap, jazz, and musical theater dance.
As a dancer, he swung away from his axis to revolutionize the role of the male ballet dancer.
He is a superb ballet dancer, yet here attempts to combine his enchanting talent with modern Cuban movement.
We would be discussing whether the San Francisco Ballet was within its rights to reject an aspiring ballet dancer.
What is a reasonable length of time for an aspiring ballet dancer to audition before going to college?
The gritty story of a coal miner's young son who dreams of becoming a ballet dancer is now a musical that's receiving rave reviews and nightly ovations.
No ballet dancer should be in the position of having to unlearn eight years of poor training.
I felt every muscle tighten, all of my sinew, like a ballet dancer after she dances, every inch aching and tingling at once.
She has some years experience in showbiz, having trained as a classical ballet dancer and gone on to sing and dance in many musicals.
For the ballet dancer, with a thirty-four-week contract, that's only $15,300 per year.
Any collaboration between a ballet dancer and a postmodern choreographer unleashes a Pandora's box of stylistic dilemmas.
‘I was going to be a ballet dancer or a painter or a comedienne or a teacher or a psychologist,’ she says of her earliest ambitions.
Like a ballet dancer on pointe, stillness is part of the lead up to falling.
Today, a group of ten reception year children will be having their first ballet lesson - with a professional ballet dancer.
But for some reason a desire to dance on my toes will not leave me, and I cannot stop thinking about how deeply I want to be a real ballet dancer.