A meeting between ward councillors and residents was also held over a scheme for road humps in both Park Drive and Vaughan Street.
People in Kirkfields want a priority traffic system with carriageway narrowing and road humps to slow drivers down.
It is intended that speed cushions will be used on the bus routes, while the remaining streets will be treated with road humps.
The vehicles then strike the road when driven over the traffic-calming road humps, which are a particularly popular speed control measure in the York area.
Plans to introduce road humps on a number of roads in Braintree have been welcomed, but there are fears it will still not stop speeding motorists.
The headteacher, governors and parents at Glenaire Primary welcomed the proposal - but some Thompson Lane residents expressed concerns about the potential noise caused by road humps.
We even went into a road hump pretty hard, and the car still stayed together like a dream.
I'm not excluding myself here, braking for sparrows, taking five minutes to ease my way across a road hump in case it catches the exhaust and not exceeding 40 mph on the M62.
There is nothing to slow drivers down, no road humps, traffic lights, or anything.
This was the first bus route to be treated in Sheffield with road humps, in 1991, and it was aimed at reducing the child pedestrian accident rate.
The other thing is this craze York has got for traffic lights and road humps.
While traffic-calming measures such as road humps may help reduce speed, they don't reduce the volume of traffic.
If the residents are afraid of speed merchants racing up and down, then put some road humps in place.
The builder, wearing a fluorescent jacket, was at the controls of the digger, tearing up the road hump and scooping the rubble away.
After returning from a holiday abroad, I found yet another set of totally useless road humps while driving back from the local airport.
A snowplough's blade is carried only a few inches from the ground and must be lifted before the vehicle can drive over road humps.
They only have to ask for a mini roundabout, road hump or width restriction for it to be granted and then loaded on to council tax.
In the long term there will be much better ways of taming the traffic than crude devices like road humps.
They should have not wasted so much of council taxpayers' money on hair-brained schemes like wheelie bins, parking restrictions, road humps and supplementing the police with wardens to patrol areas.
I agree that some sort of traffic calming measures need to be implemented if drivers refuse to drive at a safe speed, but I feel the road humps could be smaller.