Unfortunately, pop still lived in the eighteenth century where men still wore penguin suits and women wore corsets.
Waiters in penguin suits glided here and there, serving little delicacies on silver plates, blending into the sea of formally dressed people quite well.
I can't wait to see you in your penguin suit though!
He wore strikingly white gloves and a beautifully tailored, midnight black penguin suit.
'Personally, I'd rather do your job than getting stuck in a penguin suit,’ he admitted quietly, grimacing.
In this enormous art deco construction, only a small portion of which remains open, dapper little men in penguin suits with polished hair, pink shirts and black bow-ties show us to our seats and ply us with yet more Pisco.
I heard something about tuxes and assumed they were talking about seeing the four of us guys in penguin suits.
He inwardly cursed himself for sounding like an egotistical butler in a penguin suit.
He looked gorgeous, especially with the whole penguin suit in tack.
Well, some of the men actually prefer to break out of the penguin suit mold and dress in their own signature style for performances.