A man who works in a kennels, especially for a hunt.
Example sentencesExamples
The hunt's other full-time employee would also lose her job as would the part-time kennelman employed to build up the hounds' fitness.
The Dumfriesshire hounds' kennelman, John Carruthers, said he now faces an uncertain future with his wife Isobel, 45, and their 10-year-old son Andrew.
It was a sad day too for the college's professional huntsman and kennelman as he paraded the hounds, a smaller version of the traditional hunting hounds, for the last time.
Last week, kennelman John Carruthers was close to tears as he surveyed the empty kennels that have been the focus of his work for nearly 25 years.
Bert was working as an under kennelman alongside his father and Freda was the daughter of the stud groom.
Born near Edinburgh, Mr Sneddon began his career at the age of 15 when he became a stable / kennelman at the Linlithgow and Sterlingshire Hunt where he stayed for five years, learning his trade.