The dangers of over-protection were such that some child guidance workers believed that spoiled boys would be better off in institutional settings, where they could be weaned from maternal influences.
And there was a child guidance clinic where I used to go and sit in on the case conferences and the staff discussions, and it just opened up a huge world for me.
This model resulted in the formation of other child guidance clinics, such as the Judge Baker Guidance Center in Boston.
If he needs a child guidance clinic, there is something wrong with him which must be cured.
Facilities include special clinical services for epilepsy, child guidance, geriatric problems, neuropsychiatry, neurosis, alcoholism and drug addiction.
We went to the child guidance clinic, and when we came out my mother said, ‘Well, God knows what all that was about.’
This followed almost four decades of experience working with families and children in foster and adoptive homes, residential treatment facilities, and child guidance clinics.
She had sessions with a child psychiatrist, found sympathetic helpers, and eventually moved to England where she found secretarial work at a child guidance clinic in Oxford.
Child psychiatry started as a community discipline in child guidance clinics.
It currently runs a child guidance centre offering guidance for children with behavioural problems, learning backwardness and learning problems.
He has been seen by a child psychiatrist who recommended on-going child guidance therapy.
In nursery schools, kindergartens, and child guidance clinics, professionals sought to educate parents and steer children toward normalcy using science as a guide.