A player placed a fir cone against his ball to prevent the ball from moving when removing some other loose impediments.
While its needles (actually modified leaves) are still alive and fresh, we decorate the tree with colorful glass globes, tinsel, red winterberries from a deciduous holly, spruce and fir cones, and cotton to simulate snow.
The barrels of the cannons on deck seem to have been given the form of giant fir cones.
Pondering again the origin of the three marooned Douglas firs, I recalled once seeing, on a crisp fall day, a flock of Cassin's finches dismembering ripe subalpine fir cones while a steady rain of seeds fluttered to the ground.
Sprinkle essential oils, orange and cinnamon perhaps, to a bowl of fir cones, Christmas tree cuttings and dried orange slices for a wonderful Christmas potpourri.
The game of Poohsticks was invented here by Winnie-the-Pooh and was first played by him and his friends Rabbit, Piglet, and Roo. They collected fir cones and then, standing on one side of the bridge, each dropped a cone into the water.