Lyon is unique in the destinations selected for this feature in that it is the only non-coastal region we are examining.
There are some places, notably Shetland, where the art of using fish livers has been developed by a fishing community to an extent which is unimaginable for persons in non-coastal urban environments.
British holidaymakers will still be able to take trips to non-coastal parts of Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Nautical images are appealing in non-coastal communities.
People living in non-coastal areas in southwest and south central Louisiana also need to prepare.
Holidays to the non-coastal areas of Sri Lanka and Thailand, as well as scheduled services, are carrying on as normal.
Noncoastal areas are primarily affected by heavy rains that cause flooding and by strong winds that damage plant communities (Craighead and Gilbert, 1962; Alexander, 1967; Loope and others, 1994).
inland, inshore, upcountry, inner, innermost, central