It seems feasible that simple robots designed to perform menial household tasks and non-complex low-paid jobs are likely to become common in our lifetimes.
It belongs to the instinctive, present moment, the time of non-complex knowledge in which direct expression touches sentiments felt by all communicants.
This was a deeply troubled young man presenting with a very complex set of circumstances in a very non-complex system that we run.
As the Agency increasingly dealt with a greater proportion of non-complex cases, having a longer lifespan, this target could not be met.
So we don't have that many more genes than these tiny, somewhat nondescript, oftentimes considered non-complex, organisms.
Can you explain binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a non-complex manner?
The answer is so non-complex I'm shocked that you missed it.
The government has to put in place a programme whereby all non-complex, non-strategic IT development projects are outsourced to local enterprises.
Copper is often a very cost-effective, non-complex way of taking care of the situation.
She is fairly non-complex, and yet she is also strong, bright and clever.
non-compound, uncompounded, uncombined, unmixed, unblended, unalloyed, pure, basic, single, elementary, fundamental