Youths stayed the night or were ushered home by designated sober drivers (non-drinking teens were tremendously popular at these events).
Got to know everybody a little better (the primary effect of tequilla) and only got stuck next to the non-drinking boss for a little while.
Joe only plays live once a year, in non-smoking and non-drinking venues.
Police recommended people should appoint a "watcher" - perhaps a non-drinking driver - to keep an eye on the drinks.
Instead he reveals a non-smoking, non-drinking grafter who pretended to toss off plays and movie scripts in an afternoon but actually spent night after night at home writing.
Even non-drinking Jamie got caught up in the fun - sucking down a prune smoothie in one slippery shot.
It comes as a pleasant bonus to find that moderate wine drinkers are less likely to develop dementia than their non-drinking or heavy-drinking compatriots.
I'm referring to the pub trade and the drinking - or non-drinking habits - of many continental tourists and also some of their US counterparts.
It's also been easier to be sober when I've had a non-drinking partner in crime along for the ride.