She knew that being a royal also-ran ultimately amounts to a frustrating non-life.
By 'negative' he means a retreat into non-life or death.
The instant of death is the same in both cases; but viewed from different standpoints: as the end of life, and the beginning of non-life.
There's absolutely no way naturalistic way explain the spontaneous origination of organic life from inorganic nonlife.
At the molecular level there exists a "material unity" so that all matter - life and non-life - is indistinguishable and can be seamlessly integrated.
By the early 1930s, Magritte had retreated into the non-life of solid Belgian respectability.
Even the most fanatical evolutionist would concede that they cannot be some transitional stage between life and non-life, because living things would have had to exist before viruses could exist.
His most famous idea is the Gaia hypothesis, which holds that living organisms and non-life together form a coupled system in which life creates conditions that favour it.
Most researchers in the area are honest enough to say they haven't got the faintest idea how life began from non-life.
When somebody says they can get life out of non-life, they're practicing fakery, not science.
On Earth, we know intuitively that life is more important than non-life, that an animal is more important than a rock.
"From nonlife to life is the greatest gap in scientific theory," Carnes said.
Things pass one by one gradually from life into non-life.
He recognized that, just as life transforms non-life, so the human mind is unique among all living processes, in the way it transforms the biosphere.
Of course life evolved from non-life, because we're here!