The findings reported Thursday were the result of non-mandatory tests for schools.
The industry trade group favors non-mandatory agreements but marine retailers insist that the current system of relying upon dealer agreements written by manufacturers is one-sided.
Computer applications are incorporated into the majority of courses, with such applications being included in 79 % of the mandatory courses and 95 % of the non-mandatory courses.
The department has slashed nonmandatory overtime, much of it resulting from captains giving officers paid days off as a reward for good work.
Nineteen of the 30 respondents indicated that their departments offered non-mandatory statistics courses.
Parents have no money with which to pay the non-mandatory, quarterly "contribution" that allows the school to provide their children with the necessary extras.
The Sox flew to New York last night and will hold a non-mandatory workout at Yankee Stadium today.
The increase in government-mandated quotas for women on boards- with seven countries passing mandates in the past five years and eight countries setting non-mandatory targets - also prompted the study.