Failure to fulfil or comply with an obligation, rule, or custom.
Example sentencesExamples
The non-observance of feeding rules and medical prevention, leads to many more diseases than otherwise would be the case.
Flouting of convention can provoke conflict which is just as sharp as that caused by non-observance of laws.
The first of these relates to the non-observance of the accord.
The National Roads Authority 1999 Survey of Free Speeds quantifies widespread non-observance of speed limits by all classes of traffic.
If a violation of one of those rights and freedoms is the result of a non-observance of the obligation in the enactment of domestic legislation, the responsibility of the State is engaged.
contravention, breach, infringement, infraction, breaking, transgression, lack of compliance with, disobeying, disobedience, defiance, defying, flouting, flying in the face of, rebelling against