When he falls in deep water, the non-swimmer should lie flat on his back, let his head submerge and keep only his nose and mouth above the surface.
Swimming aids are available for non-swimmers who want to experience the magic of the reef.
The 14-year-old non-swimmer, who has not yet been named, was missing underwater for about 30 minutes yesterday at the beauty spot at Womersley, known locally as the Blue Lagoon.
But half of all schools had found it necessary to reduce the time they allocated for swimming and were failing to make any provision for non-swimmers or reluctant swimmers.
Wind direction also seems to be immaterial and both swimmers and non-swimmers are affected.
The club catered for people of all ages, from four-year-old non-swimmers to competent team members and an adult teaching class.
His sister Diana left him unsupervised for 15 minutes in the non-swimmers ' pool.
It was my wife who first saw the child in the water, following which we rang the emergency services and then sought assistance, as we are both non-swimmers.
She is being recognized for jumping into the frigid waters of the inlet twice to rescue a 28-year-old man, a non-swimmer, who had fallen off a pier and was found by the teenager clinging for his life to the pilings.
If you're a non-swimmer, take a tour that brings you to a coral cay rather than the open sea.
While many students take it in stride, the test raises anxieties for non-swimmers or those who fear embarrassing failure in front of their new peers.
The non-swimmer didn't think about his safety but leapt into the 33 year old rubber boat and made his way down the pier.
Minutes earlier the eight-year-old non-swimmer had told a friend he was going to ‘have one last jump’, despite being told by his father to stay out of the water.
Most of the readers of All the Year Round were, one guesses, non-swimmers.
Almost every single one comes to us as a non-swimmer, and we turn them into someone not only capable of staying afloat, but also of performing in competition.
Alishia Muehlfarth kept the nearly unconscious non-swimmer afloat until emergency paramedics arrived to haul him out.
The session offers complete privacy and non-swimmers have seen a significant improvement in their swimming ability.
I wasn't the only non-swimmer in our class, of course.
Though a non-swimmer, he managed to scramble back onto the wreck.
The students had a great time participating in lots of different water events organized for both swimmers and non-swimmers.