A locally produced variety show performed annually by members of the Scout and Guide Association.
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The Christchurch gang show is one of the longest running in Britain, and features a cast of 60 who will present an extravaganza of songs, sketches and stand-up comedy.
He has run Scout troupes, camps and activities and was part of the first Erith Scouts' gang show.
After eight years with the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, she went on to work on gang shows and with comedy names such as Cardew Robinson, so she found the media barrage less intimidating.
There are a range of other activities for them to get involved in such as gang shows and orchestras.
The attacks, which have taken place at the gang show's workshop in offices in Osbaldwick, have put preparations for the traditional entertainment show behind schedule by three weeks.
Blackpool Scouts present their annual gang show at Blackpool Opera House from Wednesday, November 5 to Saturday, November 8.
Rehearsals for the Heywood Scouts' popular gang show have commenced.
However, a look at what has become of the Hear'Say gang shows it is difficult to criticise these wannabes for believing that 15 minutes of fame is better than a lifetime of obscurity.
We erected indoor air raid shelters and frequently entertained in shelters with our mini gang shows.
The leader said: ‘The show will see a selection of traditional gang show tunes performed, it promises to be great fun for all the family.’