Congratulations to popular bar person Nadine Dabbagh, Balla, who works in the Bridge Inn and celebrated her birthday recently with family and friends.
Instead of asking the bar person what they think of the weather now the first question is ‘what part of the world are you from’.
Back by popular demand is the bar person of the month awards, but this year awards will be dished out to patrons either side of the bars.
Every so often a bar person would bring out crates of bottles of beer, and put them in this huge tub thing full of iced water, and folk would just dip into it for booze.
Why are we blaming that bar person, bar owner, or whoever it might be, for the problems we face in our society?
Any person who tries to jump the queue by smiling, gesturing or otherwise trying to attract the bar person's attention will receive nothing except a polite smile in reply.
Anyway… as a bar person, on average, I would get asked out approximately, oh, I don't know, maybe 50-100 times per working night.
My only problem was the rather annoying woman (of a certain age) who was taking great delight in arguing with a member of the bar staff - the same bar person that I wanted to serve me.
Everyone who joins - be it a room attendant or bar person - is given an individual career plan so they have the potential to make progress and move around the group.
'A new bar person should go through a regimented training schedule before he or she begins working,’ he says.
Geraldine worked as a bar person for many years.
The first bar person of the year for January goes to Patsy for that service with a smile, and music in the lounge for this month include Solid Gold on February 8 and Mystique on February 15.
It's that time again and bar person of November award goes to Tommy, next month the bar person of 2002 will be announced so get your votes in.
The first odd thing I noticed was the bar person.
This is the last week for nominations for the bar person of the week.
There are people from all backgrounds in the scheme including a retired dentist, a mum and part-time bar person.
She expressed sympathy for the poor bar person who has to calculate that, while another 20 or so customers wait to be served.
We sat on a sofa next to one of the actresses who played a bar person, and I struck a conversation with her regarding her elaborate costume jewelry.