At the same time, I connected a USB scanner and scanned in a few piccies just to keep the power load high.
It's going to be really neat - I'm standardizing the design throughout the site, and we're replacing all the photographs with a super set of piccies taken by a professional photographer.
It's a floppy hat with a piccy of the Australian flag on it.
I have got some piccies, but they are still in the camera - I'll try and come up with an excuse to use the rest of the film soon, and get a few on here so you can see them.
Being our nearest city there is enough to hold the interest with lots of piccies and tales.
The piccies reveal it does indeed integrate Wi-Fi wireless networking.
But I must apologise for the lack of piccies from me recently.
My youngest and I had to scour through some ‘old’ photos the other day for some piccies of her as a baby, for a school project.
I'd put a piccy up of the hideous painting, but I don't want to get my friend in trouble.
I'm gonna have to post some piccies of the boys in action somewhen!
If you're lucky I may even take some piccies so that my hordes of adoring fans can see what the area looks like.
I was thinking of charging £10 for a normal portrait and maybe £15 for a theme piccy, depending on complexity.
It too uses Memory Stick Duo cards to store piccies and video clips.
He didn't want to commit (cos the photos are so small… better to wait til the radiologist has had a good look at the nice color piccies on screen) but he thinks there's more arthritis and some herniated disk issues.
This website has some background info and piccies.
Took some piccies today that I'm probably going to talk about on the show tonight.
Acquiring a digicam prompted me to go and explore things around me so I could take piccies of nice things; I discovered that I enjoyed going up hills, where you can see for miles (conditions permitting) so I could take photos.
He was so worried compromising piccies would get out he refused entry to anyone who wouldn't give their handsets in.
On a lighter note everything is fine and dandy here we are as usual taking lots of piccies and hopefully will be doing some craft fairs soon, if anyone has any tips, please leave us a message, any info would be very much appreciated…
Ok. Sorry about not putting up any piccies or explanation.