I believe that it is acceptable, but too many people see it as a quick get-out option rather than a last resort.
He had a get-out clause in his contract allowing him to join another club which opened the door for him to join Keighley.
He was annoyed that their offer of a 12-month extension included a cancer get-out clause, which they said they would remove only if he saw a specialist.
He will demand that governments retain the get-out clause of an appeal to the EU where new measures clash with domestic legal systems.
‘It would be nice to get the £12m [outlined in the get-out clause of his contract] but I think that's wishful thinking,’ said Bain.
And get a kind friend to ring you after about an hour, so you've got a get-out clause if necessary.
For future reference, when you have messed up and someone offers you a get-out clause, you take it.
The other way of construing things, of course, is that it is a perfect get-out clause.
Multi-culturalism can be used as a get-out clause by politicians who are only prepared to pay lip service to notions such as equality and diversity.
The get-out clause in these cases, often, is to suspend the jockey for careless riding and allow the result to stand.
Yet they have also made it clear that their commitment must be matched by their employers and it's here that their legitimate get-out clauses lay.
Pontificating about the global market being an irresistible agent of deregulation does not provide an honest get-out clause.
Maybe this onus gives the Government a get-out clause: ‘Well, we offered parents the chance, but there just wasn't the demand.’
However there may be a get-out for the clause demanding consideration of the feelings of relatives.
To call a national ballot after the strike had already drawn in the overwhelming majority would have been seen as a get-out, and invited a no vote.
There it is - the get-out clause you find in report after report - it is not the individual, it is the ‘agency’.
Only later will the small print get-outs become evident.
Actually what has happened is an insurance company has found a smart get-out.
The agreement provides the company with a get-out clause and allows it to renegotiate the rates annually.
And, most revealingly, he uses the get-out for the parents of troubled teenagers everywhere: There's nothing for them to do.