The drive down was amazing - the road to Harris from here is pretty lunar in places but with the sun belting down all the lochs and lochans were a beautiful azure colour and framed with the glorious heather coloured hills it was brilliant.
The path goes for almost four miles through undulating moorland with no views of the sea and you pass several lochans, where divers nest in the summer.
Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the cackles of mallards.
Looking behind and also to the left, the landscape consists of a wild and complex mosaic of lochans, lochs and peaks, a rugged scene which typifies this most remote part of the Scottish mainland.
The landscape is covered with lochs and lochans - almost more water than land.
Late 17th century: from Scottish Gaelic, diminutive of loch.