Victims were told that a member of Spanish (or Hungarian, or Roumanian, etc.) royalty was unjustly imprisoned, but had vast funds available if he/she could only get at them.
His wife made this Roumanian eggplant dish, something like babaganush, for the chess marathons they played.
The Roumanians, practical as ever, would have accepted the new system.
Ironically, he found success here conquering the Roumanian army and entering Bucharest in December 1916.
At the time the Roumanian army consisted of over a million Russians, and they with millions of Roumanian refugees were all trapped in a corner of Moldavia.
The novel's protagonist is among the workers who decide to cross the picket lines as well as ‘the lowest foreigners - Greeks, Roumanians, Sicilians, and Slovaks’.
You'll find out what that young Roumanian gymnast should have taken.