Labor's tireless foreign affairs spokesman, a self-confessed God-botherer, had issued a general invitation to colleagues to discuss Labor and religion.
As a God-botherer, a foreigner (and worse, partly American) and a non-lefty who had fallen for Blair during his (brief) Christian-socialist phase, I most definitely lay outside their fold.
The other current God-botherer intervention is by the so-called Family First Party.
It's you guys who are referred to as annoying "God botherers" and pester people on the streets with your little pieces of paper no one really wants.
I'm not a God botherer.
The one thing I find most fascinating is the God-botherer's attitude to me.
He even went to the Middle East, with the explicit reason of bothering some God botherers.
The good Reverend was a God-botherer of many talents.
We had never thought of Harris as a God-botherer and we wondered if there wasn't something else behind these images.
He is one sheep-farming God-botherer no less.
I don't wanna slag off every Christian on the planet, but you can't really trust a God botherer, can you?
Because I am a bit of a God-botherer, it also annoys me because I don't think anybody deserves a Him with a big H except The Man Upstairs.
The government would have kept the reason for termination secret, in case any prejudiced interest group or God-botherer complained.
So you don't need to be a paid-up God-botherer to see the shortcomings of this faith.
Do you think of yourself as being much brighter than all those religious types (God botherers, Jesus freaks, Bible bashers, glory roaders, zealots)?
I'm not sure how this humble God-botherer wound up here, trying to integrate all these new experiences into my existing faith.
See what she says about the bald God-botherer now.
Now the bishop's views may be crackpot - though that should hardly be a surprise from a God-botherer.
The president himself is a God-botherer, but what about the others who actually make the foreign policy?