You should value the stock as if the corporation was sold as a going concern to the highest bidder in a hypothetical market.
So what we're proposing to do is buy the business as a going concern.
The receiver will then sell those assets to recover the debt, and if a buyer can be found for the business, it could continue as a going concern.
Informed sources said they were hopeful that the company could be turned around as a going concern in the coming weeks.
It is understood that Fennell is trying to sell the business as a going concern.
While the company is a going concern, separate legal personality can be said to guarantee limited liability.
Offers of over €800,000 are sought for the business as a going concern.
The values of the businesses as going concerns are yet to be assessed.
This would ensure the long-term interest of owners of going concerns.
The bank would have been justified in combining the accounts although the company's business was still a going concern at that time.
We are also selling the childcare business as a going concern to the Christian Family Centre.
If the company is bound by what was done when it was a going concern, then the liquidator is in no better position.
The receiver will now sell the company's food businesses as a going concern.
A resolution was passed allowing its directors to be given the authority to sell the business as a going concern if necessary.
He also pointed out that signs of the economy picking up might ironically see more firms forced into receivership by banks, seeing a better chance of businesses being sold as going concerns in a stronger climate.
But the company denied the businessman was going to take the company on as a going concern and said he was interested only in buying equipment.
It will frequently only be possible to tell whether there has been a transfer of the business as a going concern after the deposit has been paid and completion has taken place.
The five companies are still going concerns, but Godick is the only finance chief in the bunch still in the same job.
He added that there was no proof that efforts had to be made to market the business as a going concern.
However, the outfitters may close in the New Year if a buyer is not found to take on the business as a going concern.