Duke Albrecht V was a magnificent collector of books, coins, and goldwork, acquiring the collections of Hans Fugger and building the Antiquarium at the Munich Residenz to display his antiquities.
According to Smith's obituary in the Liverpool Mercury, on 26 February 1892, Ruskin admired his work and is reported to have written to him that: ‘It seems to me, your taste and skill are able to accomplish as good goldwork as was ever done’.
The Ghanaian interior is rich in its deposits, and goldworking was already a well-honed art when Portuguese traders first anchored off Ghana's rocky coast in the late 1400s.
Example sentencesExamples
Instead, they developed their own lively artistic traditions: stone and jade carving, ceramic sculpture, and goldworking.
According to the Aztecs, these Toltecs were held to be the inventors of all artistry, from writing to goldworking to medicine, and the very word ‘Toltec’ meant artist or craftsman.
A display of jewelry attests to Egyptian skills in goldworking, as well as the apatropaic powers ascribed to various animals and symbols.
Throughout this vast region, from about AD 700 until the 16th-century Spanish invasion, a rich and varied tradition of goldworking was practiced.