Large scale production of homes which use solar panels to heat your bathwater and then recycle it to water your garden are not yet a reality.
Hannah dips the sponge in the cool bathwater, then lifts it and lets the water drip onto her arms.
‘Oh, sorry,’ she wet the cloth in the bathwater and wiped my mouth.
As a child, did you ever slip beneath the bathwater's surface, listen to the blood thrumming in your ears, and find comfort in being completely submerged?
Be careful when making very dark salts; until they are diluted in your bathwater they may stain light-colored towels and clothing.
Adding a few drops of calming essential oils, such as lavender, bergamot or rose to your bathwater, or sprinkling them on your pillow, will help you to feel relaxed.
If dry or irritated skin is your problem, add 1 to 2 cups of oatmeal to your bathwater to help relieve itchy skin from mosquito bites and chronic problems like eczema.
Use a medicinal bath oil in the bathwater or as you shower.
They weren't going anywhere and my bathwater was getting cold, so I got on with my bath and stopped looking at my toes.
‘Good morning boys,’ I greeted them affectionately, happy to see both them and the bathwater.
This effect is similar to that experienced when a hot bath is run and the cold air above the bathwater readily condenses.
Scent bathwater with violet mineral salts and light a small candle.
I stepped into the hot bathwater and breathed a sigh of relief as the hot water hit my body.
You could stroll into work hours late, saying breezily that you'd had to wait for the bathwater.