One other key fact you need to establish is how your bottlescrews are threaded.
To reduce normal weather helm loosen the backstay bottlescrew and tighten the forestay bottlescrew.
This rig kit includes sails, carbon mast. mast stub, gooseneck/compression strut, 2 booms, boom bands and grips, wire cord, bottlescrews and bowsies.
As we saw earlier, this is equivalent to just over one turn of the bottlescrew, or about 0.7kg in increased shroud tension.
We haven't tried that yet, but have found it excellent for greasing bottlescrews and as a multi-purpose waterproof lubricant for any number of jobs on board.
(Kate had bottlescrews on the shrouds and shackles on the fore stay but we never adjusted them in 14 years).
We came ashore, sorted the bottlescrew, reset the rig and went back out for some more work.
All standing rigging is made from 4 mm stainless steel wire (with the exception of the backstay, for which 3 mm stainless steel wire is used) with rolled cotter terminals and bottlescrews on deck.
Once you have unpacked the cradle completely, start by fixing the support frames to the end frames (without the bottlescrews).
Old bottlescrews or turnbuckles were reconditioned, and new wire was spliced for the standing rigging.