Now slimline Susie is enjoying a new lease of life after she changed her usual diet of chocolate drops for a controlled low-calorie dog food substitute.
As well as two shoulder keys, it has a full complement of proper PS2 buttons, including an invaluable analogue joystick that looks like a chocolate drop.
As if being played out in slow motion, the grenade landed on Matt's desk, rolled, made a fading mournful whistle, and fell open, spilling a handful of chocolate drops across the files on the desk top.
I'm even thinking to make them to take with me to my in-laws for Christmas, instead of the chocolate drops that I normally bake… and those chocolate drops are really good.
They come in the form of chocolate drops and are very easy to use.
Kids, messing, used to call me a chocolate drop, but I don't think Irish people are racist.
Flowers, doggie chocolate drops, even a new outfit lets a dog know she isn't just another notch in your bedpost.
It took me a moment to realise that I had a handful of chocolate drops.