For more than 400 years people have reported seeing large, hair-covered, man-like animals in the wilderness areas of North America.
The hair-covered beast began to walk down the dirt track once more.
The antlers are small and are set on bony hair-covered ridges which extend down each side of the face; hence the name rib-faced deer which is sometimes used.
The image jitters, there is a thump as the sound comes on, and a haggard, hair-covered face fills the frame.
The scaly skin of reptiles is replaced by a hair-covered, smooth skin in mammals.
The antlers are small and are set on bony hair-covered ridges which extend down each side of the face; hence the name rib-faced deer which is sometimes used.
For more than 400 years people have reported seeing large, hair-covered, man-like animals in the wilderness areas of North America.
The image jitters, there is a thump as the sound comes on, and a haggard, hair-covered face fills the frame.
The scaly skin of reptiles is replaced by a hair-covered, smooth skin in mammals.
The hair-covered beast began to walk down the dirt track once more.