Thus, present reservation policy definitely needs to be reviewed taking into consideration the benefits reached at desired lords.
On the reservation issue, the Union Minister said the implementation of the reservation policy was a state subject.
His empowerment story of rising from a low-ranking cop to an IRS officer may further strengthen the very premise of the reservation policy.
The question arises whether these sections have really been benefitted by reservation policy which he suggests to be reviewed.
The government is firm in its commitment to implement fully the reservation policy in government jobs.
The quashing of the government quota in private professional colleges left no scope for students to join such colleges under the State's reservation policy.
The greatest harm to the process of industrialisation in India has been caused by the government's reservation policy.
In the case of OBC reservation in educational institutions, 55 to 57 years have passed without the reservation policy.
Only the creamy layer, who can afford to go to schools and colleges, could take advantage of the reservation policy.
We pointed out that reservation policy was started first by the Maharaja of Kolhapur in 1902.
The second significant factor is the reservation policy of the government.
The processes of Sanskritisation, Westernisation and reservation policies have helped them reach their present status.
The reservation policy is India's version of affirmative action, providing education and employment opportunities for disadvantaged communities.
However, he admitted that the extension of reservation policy was bound to cause resentment among the forward castes.
The writer has talked about the significance of democracy in terms of social justice to each and every section of the society through prevailing system of reservation policy.
This "reservations policy" is as controversial in India as affirmative action policies are now in the United States.
Reservation policy is one of the essential means to include the excluded groups in the democratic process and to pave the way for their empowerment.
They were of the view that programs like the reservation policy were good for the inclusion of the weaker sections of the society into the main stream.
It would not be proper to enforce reservation policy in their institutions because these were set up to promote education among minorities, he said.
The unwritten social code of advanced societies works in government offices public sectors through executors and planners holding prize positions who prevents implementation of reservation policy in toto.