While Rawiri Waiaua, chief of the Hua division of the Puketapu hapu was happy to sell land to the Pakeha, chief Katatore was not.
This model does not give fisheries to the Maori hapu and iwi that had them.
New Zealand First recommends to the Committee that the bill be fully supported, so that Ngati Ruanui - and I am sure that some of their members are here - will go back to their hapus and their iwis and say: ‘Let's prepare now for the future.’
He had formed an easy alliance with Rawiri Waiaua, chief of the Hua division of the Puketapu hapu, whom he considered a great friend.
Soon afterwards, at a hui at Paeroa, Maori declared that ‘the foreshore and seabed belong to the hapu and iwi’.