(in the UK) an arrangement between a welfare agency and the family of a mentally or physically ill person for the provision of respite care or emergency assistance.
Forcing children to participate in shared care will create enormous problems for the children in future years.
A study of shared care of patients with moderately severe asthma also found that it was equally effective as hospital care and produced cost savings in secondary care without a significant increase in primary care workload.
When patients cannot be cured they and their general practitioner will have time to sort out benefits and develop a plan of shared care with the oncologist or palliative care specialists.
We do not prescribe subsequent obstetric care, which will be determined on an individual basis and may be led by specialists, general practitioners, or midwives, or by shared care.
Where the parents arrange for care to be carried out by a childminder or nanny, then failures in this shared care can provide a basis for satisfying this step.