A motion opposing it was passed on a card vote by 127,597 to 79,355 after a show of hands had been inconclusive.
The union's leaders were so desperate to rush the deal through that they refused to take a card vote.
So seriously do they take this threat that Liberal Democrats in the Scottish Parliament abstained in a crucial ID card vote rather than break up a cosy alliance with Labour.
The conference pushed talk of a merger further into the background with a card vote of 89, 273 to 65, 295.
Two disputed NHS motions were clearly defeated, one on a show of hands, the other on a card vote dominated by unions.
The hostile reaction was followed by three card votes which saw a majority of union activists and a minority of constituency delegates unite to inflict embarrassing defeats on the platform.
But Scargill boasted a collective card vote of over 11,000!
But he then called a card vote where unions cast block votes in proportion to their size.
In government, however a challenger to a Labour Prime Minister needs the 12.5 per cent support among MPs, as well as two-thirds of Conference through a card vote.
When the amendment was initially passed on a show of hands, the executive forced a formal card vote and the union bureaucracy fell quickly into line.
The victory prompted grassroots members of Labour to call for a leadership contest, which can be triggered only by a majority card vote.
After rejecting the employers' latest offer they recommended further strike action which was to be confirmed by a card vote at the recalled Conference.
The FBU ended that affiliation last week by 35, 105 to 14, 611 on a card vote.
That outcome was close enough to be put to a card vote.
The pro-Warwick amendment was rejected on a card vote by 540,000 to 516,000.
A motion of no confidence in the executive was only narrowly lost on a card vote.
But the card vote showed the full-scale of the anti-war opposition's collapse, with 80 percent of local parties and 90 percent of trade unions voting against the early withdrawal motion.
Not content with rejecting foundation hospitals, the unions also combined to throw out an earlier motion on health policy on a card vote.
At a Public Service Association conference, a resolution calling for a national stoppage against the ECA was carried by 45,000 card votes to just over 15,000 against.
Despite a decision last night to hold a card vote and delay the announcement until this morning, the poll was not close, with 64% in favour of the rebel amendment, and 36% against.