These mesh size controls apply to gill nets, beach seines, trammel nets, tangle nets, stake nets, drift nets, ring nets, T nets, J nets, hoop nets and any similar nets used for the enmeshing or entrapment of fish, but not to trawls, Danish seines or any similarly towed nets.
A third collecting gear was the stake net with stretched mesh size 3 cm which covered a drainage creek that caught crabs on the retreating tide.
One would also come across stake nets that are used for catching salmon.
It is unclear when man first began to fish for salmon off the Angus coast, although it is documented that monks were using stake nets here in the middle ages.
The Court was told that on 24 April 2006 Agency Enforcement Officers found a stake net set on the left bank of the river downstream of Ferryside Railway Station.
There are reports of harbour porpoise being caught by long-line fisheries, entangled in creel or pot lines and salmon stake nets but the numbers are not thought to be significant.
There are two types of legal nets also used in the Moray Firth; sweep nets and stake nets.
A team from the Fisheries Department removed unauthorised stake nets installed in Paravur Lake on Monday.
I believe I am quite safe in the assertion that one successful fish trap in Prince William Sound will take more fish than all the stake nets operated by the natives in those waters, and this single trap will and does destroy more fish than all the staked nets in the Territorial waters.
However, from the 1820s stake nets began to be used on the open sea coast on either side of the mouth of the Tay and indeed persisted until relatively recent times.
As the stake nets cause depletion in the marine resources, the government has given license to very few fishermen to use stake nets.
Most of the Loughor estuary is restricted to rod and line fishing with stake nets being the only form of netting allowed.