The federal share of the unallowable pre-award costs was $1312099.
Out of that emerges a hierarchy of allowable and unallowable crimes.
At its center is the unallowable lovemaking of a middle-class woman, Ammu, and an untouchable, Velutha, two fine people destroyed in ugly fashion (others are swept in too) when their affair is discovered.
In this gynocentric world, signs of misogyny are watched for closely, and acts of misogyny are now morally and legally unallowable.
This type of charge is unallowable as a direct cost because the volume of binders is not substantial nor was it demonstrated that the binders are essential.
In follow-up audits of selected hospitals and clinics in the 10-state area, OIG found rates of unallowable claims ranging up to 100%.
The line between allowable combat support roles and unallowable military combat roles is also an important issue.
A company is not prohibited from incurring unallowable costs, but they cannot be recovered either directly or indirectly under federal government contracts.
As if to mirror this discovery, Part Two is full of highly polished and accomplished writing, beautiful in ways unallowable in Part One.
The result is that the specification discloses additional matter, and the amendment is unallowable.
not allowable, invalid, not acceptable, unacceptable, impermissible, disallowed, forbidden, prohibited, precluded