The unauthorized and illegal production and sale of copies of commercial video films.
Example sentencesExamples
Rachel thinks she has left the killer videotape behind, but a copy somehow follows her there, conclusively proving that video piracy is rampant even in America.
As is the wont with all our film heroes who wax eloquent on the plague of video piracy only when their films are slated for a release, Chiranjeevi too was no exception.
Moreover, the film industry needed to stand united in fighting video piracy that was throttling the business.
Even though film industry pundits are wont to blame video piracy for the pathetic state of the film industry, it seems it is actually the idiot box which is responsible.
Then, it looks like they're not using MP3, which puts it on a par with attempting to counter VHS video piracy by ensuring swift release of films on the Video 2000 format.
Film exhibitors say the menace of video piracy is eating into their returns.
Thanks to video piracy, the film industry in the country is losing about Rs.300 crores every year.
The main reasons pointed out are the hike in cost of production, competition from television, video piracy, etc.
Film producers tend to blame cable TV and video piracy for their misfortunes.
The state Government's order to curb the menace of video piracy has revived the hopes of those involved in the film industry, from producers to cinema theatre owners.