A US comedy team, comprising various partners from the early 1930s to 1970. The most popular trio (1934–46) were Moe Howard (born Moses Horwitz ) (1897–1975), Curly Howard (Moe's brother; born Jerome Lester Horwitz ) (1903–52), and Larry Fine (born Louis Feinberg ) (1902–75). The Stooges' nearly 200 movie shorts include Men in Black (1934), Hold That Lion! (1947), and Quiz Whizz (1958).
Definition of Three Stooges in US English:
Three Stooges
proper noun
A US comedy team, comprising various partners from the early 1930s to 1970. The most popular trio (1934–46) were Moe Howard (born Moses Horwitz ) (1897–1975), Curly Howard (Moe's brother; born Jerome Lester Horwitz ) (1903–52), and Larry Fine (born Louis Feinberg ) (1902–75). The Stooges' nearly 200 movie shorts include Men in Black (1934), Hold That Lion! (1947), and Quiz Whizz (1958).