But the ungenial man was an excellent conductor who was generous enough every second or third week to invite the big maestros of the world.
The house was in a most, as Mother had deemed it, ungenial location, abutting the tracks.
Bacon had sown the good seed in a sluggish soil and an ungenial season.
The weather continued rainy and ungenial for some days after his return.
I hope she is now in stronger health, but the weather lately has not been favorable, so cold and ungenial.
In an ungenial moment, Socrates, too, scorned them for taking fees, calling them ‘prostitutes of wisdom.’
Byron's poem sprung forth as a result, and the ‘wet, ungenial summer’, as Mary Shelley described it in her diary, drove the wordsmiths indoors.
But it proved a wet, ungenial summer, and incessant rain often confined us for days to the house.
For even in those most ungenial days he aspired to literary fame, and as the by-product of laborious years issued, at his own expense, the ‘Poems of a Journeyman Mason’.