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词汇 summerhouse

Definition of summerhouse in US English:


(also summer house)
  • 1A small, typically rustic building in a garden or park, used for sitting in during the summer months.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • From December 1940 they lived in Castle House, and Dylan wrote in the summerhouse perched on the old castle walls.
    • A sunny patch along their south-west facing garden wall seemed the obvious spot for a summerhouse.
    • Professional golf - as it stands now - is such that a decent journeyman pro can still enjoy a summer house in the Cape or Florida, and a very comfortable lifestyle, even if they have only ever had a win or two on tour.
    • The grounds, which have great views, also house a granny flat with timber summerhouse.
    • The Shoin Building, a noble summer house constructed in Japan and reassembled on the island, allows for some interesting viewing.
    • It was rather soothing watching the fat flakes of snow settle on the hotel garden with its little rustic summerhouse.
    • To make their dream garden complete, the residents of Exford Avenue in Harefield are hoping to get enough funding to buy a summerhouse and decking.
    • Many of the school's sixth formers helped with the work on the summer house and surrounding garden.
    • The 20 acres of grounds include a sun terrace, fruit garden and sunken rock garden, as well as a lakeside summer house and marina.
    • Liz looked up when she heard Harriet's light footsteps on the gravel walk, approaching the summerhouse.
    • The island is situated in the middle of a 1.5-acre lake full of fish, and there is a small piece of land on the edge of the lake where a summer house could complete the idyllic picture, subject to the constraints of the local planning authority.
    • We have a scented country garden and pond, water features, gravel gardens, arbours, pergolas, a summerhouse, many rare and unusual perennials, and 120 clematis.
    • We were supposed to have been celebrating the opening of their new garden and summer house but the weather was so bad that we had to look at it all through rain lashed windows.
    • The blaze damaged trees, fencing, a summerhouse and thousands of pounds worth of plants.
    • There is a large lake in the landscaped gardens, with two islands, a dinghy and lakeside summerhouse with its own jetty alongside.
    • In one corner lies a sunken summer house, complete with stained glass windows, gargoyles and mermaids, while deep in the woods that fringe the gardens lurks a mangle with a skull and crossbones sticking incongruously out of the top.
    • The unauthorised timber chalet was built on farmland at Neaum Hurst Cottages in Skelwith Bridge in 2001, along with a summerhouse and shed.
    • I once saw, in an 18 th-century garden in Portugal, a summerhouse entirely grown from huge old camellia bushes.
    • There is also a revolving summerhouse, also typical of the Edwardian age, which catches the sun's rays all day.
    • Any kind of building, from a birdbox to a full-sized summerhouse, will add character to a garden.
    • Our summer house is on an island - you have to have a boat to get there.
    • She has been an outdoor person all her life, even writes in a summer house in her garden because she thinks she sees things more vividly out there.
    • She was seated in a summerhouse, the green trees creating a leafy bower overhead.
    • In front of the summer house, a gravel garden - in the tradition of those made by monks - adds to feeling of peace and tranquillity.
    • It is surrounded by beautiful, well-kept gardens in which we sat drinking more champagne and eating olives, and posing for photos by the flowers and in the little summer house at the far end of the long, well-mown lawn.
    • All in all, the new summerhouse cost under £ 200 to construct.
    • In the top corner of their garden is the small summer house that they have recently had built - just enough room for a table and two chairs - where, with his mobile phone, Brown works.
    • I am now going to spend the night in the summerhouse in the garden with my two young daughters.
    • We sat in his summer house in the middle of his irrigated garden, beneath great jungles of climbing bougainvillaea, looking out on his flower beds full of yellow narcissi, roses and chrysanthemums.
    • There are three patio areas, a summer house and garden shed.
    • The couple were married in a civil ceremony conducted in the Temple of the Four Winds, a summer house in the grounds.
    • This would lend itself to a number of possible uses including a summer house, swimming pool or gym.
    • The building with which this appeal is concerned was originally a summer house in the garden of the Trust's property.
    • At about 5.30 pm, she brought a picnic out for the girls to have in the summerhouse.
    • The four-bedroom semi-detached house, built of red sandstone in Hamilton Avenue, has the further benefit of a south facing walled garden to the back with a summer house.
    • Over the last two weekends we have done good stuff planting plants, drastically pruning shrubs, re-felting the summer house, stacking the log pile, macro-weeding and other sundry maintenance tasks.
    • Harriet, Elizabeth and Catherine were sitting in the summerhouse.
    • There are also a number of ancillary buildings including offices, workshops, gatehouses, a summerhouse and turbine house.
    • I'd like to tackle the blank canvas of the back garden, and especially I'd love to take on the wild banks, making a small woodland garden down there, complete with a hidden brook and, at the very bottom, a pool and a summer house.
    • The next stage of their project is to acquire funding to build a summerhouse on a platform deck.
    gazebo, pavilion, belvedere, arbour, bower, pergola
    1. 1.1usually summer house A cottage or house used as a second residence, especially during the summer.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The origin of that tonic was a summerhouse in Southampton, N.Y., where Scanlan hosted friends each weekend in the late 1980s and early ' 90s, when he was ill.
      • While their new home is being built, the small order of monks divide their time between Papa Stronsay and a summerhouse on Stronsay.
      • When Michael invites Tom on holiday with the family in their summerhouse, Tom takes a liking to a young pretty actress, called Avice Crichton (Lucy Punch).
      • Thanks to Coleen, I have not forgotten Nova Scotia, as we spend 2 weeks in August every summer at her family's summerhouse in Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island.
      • Leaving such a fundamental issue to private capital is like vacating the summerhouse without securing the front door.
      • Originally a fortified summerhouse belonging to the local caid (district administrator), it was abandoned in 1956, when Morocco won its independence from the French, and fell into ruin.
      • With their two children grown and gone, Rosie and Bob Clark wanted to create a home within a home at their rambling old summerhouse on New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee.
      • The Perrse had a summerhouse in New Quay and they called it Mount Vernon after the summerhouse of George Washington.
      • Now, after 30 years, Marianne has an inexplicable yen to see her 81-year-old ex and tracks him down at his summerhouse in the mountains.
      • "I was wondering if we couldn't all go to my summerhouse to have some kind of New Year's breakfast."
      • After the birth the family returned to Kildare, but their main residence was their summerhouse, Frescati in Blackrock, County Dublin.
      • Marianne (Liv Ullman), divorced for many years from Johan (Erland Josephson), comes to visit him at his summerhouse.
      • Eve rents a summerhouse in the village of Norfolk, imagining that it would be an ideal summer retreat set amidst an idyllic surrounding.
      • If she stayed at the summerhouse while he went away, he would be worried constantly, but he could not slight the men by taking Anna only.
      • When they arrived at Anna's summerhouse, they found Raine and Gris waiting for them.
      • Summerhouses like this one are full of great memories and special spaces for "putting up" company.
      • So whether you are at home, or in your summerhouse on the seaside, you can always watch the programs you want.

Definition of summerhouse in US English:


(also summer house)
  • 1A small, typically rustic building in a garden or park, used for sitting in during the summer months.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • From December 1940 they lived in Castle House, and Dylan wrote in the summerhouse perched on the old castle walls.
    • A sunny patch along their south-west facing garden wall seemed the obvious spot for a summerhouse.
    • Professional golf - as it stands now - is such that a decent journeyman pro can still enjoy a summer house in the Cape or Florida, and a very comfortable lifestyle, even if they have only ever had a win or two on tour.
    • The grounds, which have great views, also house a granny flat with timber summerhouse.
    • The Shoin Building, a noble summer house constructed in Japan and reassembled on the island, allows for some interesting viewing.
    • It was rather soothing watching the fat flakes of snow settle on the hotel garden with its little rustic summerhouse.
    • To make their dream garden complete, the residents of Exford Avenue in Harefield are hoping to get enough funding to buy a summerhouse and decking.
    • Many of the school's sixth formers helped with the work on the summer house and surrounding garden.
    • The 20 acres of grounds include a sun terrace, fruit garden and sunken rock garden, as well as a lakeside summer house and marina.
    • Liz looked up when she heard Harriet's light footsteps on the gravel walk, approaching the summerhouse.
    • The island is situated in the middle of a 1.5-acre lake full of fish, and there is a small piece of land on the edge of the lake where a summer house could complete the idyllic picture, subject to the constraints of the local planning authority.
    • We have a scented country garden and pond, water features, gravel gardens, arbours, pergolas, a summerhouse, many rare and unusual perennials, and 120 clematis.
    • We were supposed to have been celebrating the opening of their new garden and summer house but the weather was so bad that we had to look at it all through rain lashed windows.
    • The blaze damaged trees, fencing, a summerhouse and thousands of pounds worth of plants.
    • There is a large lake in the landscaped gardens, with two islands, a dinghy and lakeside summerhouse with its own jetty alongside.
    • In one corner lies a sunken summer house, complete with stained glass windows, gargoyles and mermaids, while deep in the woods that fringe the gardens lurks a mangle with a skull and crossbones sticking incongruously out of the top.
    • The unauthorised timber chalet was built on farmland at Neaum Hurst Cottages in Skelwith Bridge in 2001, along with a summerhouse and shed.
    • I once saw, in an 18 th-century garden in Portugal, a summerhouse entirely grown from huge old camellia bushes.
    • There is also a revolving summerhouse, also typical of the Edwardian age, which catches the sun's rays all day.
    • Any kind of building, from a birdbox to a full-sized summerhouse, will add character to a garden.
    • Our summer house is on an island - you have to have a boat to get there.
    • She has been an outdoor person all her life, even writes in a summer house in her garden because she thinks she sees things more vividly out there.
    • She was seated in a summerhouse, the green trees creating a leafy bower overhead.
    • In front of the summer house, a gravel garden - in the tradition of those made by monks - adds to feeling of peace and tranquillity.
    • It is surrounded by beautiful, well-kept gardens in which we sat drinking more champagne and eating olives, and posing for photos by the flowers and in the little summer house at the far end of the long, well-mown lawn.
    • All in all, the new summerhouse cost under £ 200 to construct.
    • In the top corner of their garden is the small summer house that they have recently had built - just enough room for a table and two chairs - where, with his mobile phone, Brown works.
    • I am now going to spend the night in the summerhouse in the garden with my two young daughters.
    • We sat in his summer house in the middle of his irrigated garden, beneath great jungles of climbing bougainvillaea, looking out on his flower beds full of yellow narcissi, roses and chrysanthemums.
    • There are three patio areas, a summer house and garden shed.
    • The couple were married in a civil ceremony conducted in the Temple of the Four Winds, a summer house in the grounds.
    • This would lend itself to a number of possible uses including a summer house, swimming pool or gym.
    • The building with which this appeal is concerned was originally a summer house in the garden of the Trust's property.
    • At about 5.30 pm, she brought a picnic out for the girls to have in the summerhouse.
    • The four-bedroom semi-detached house, built of red sandstone in Hamilton Avenue, has the further benefit of a south facing walled garden to the back with a summer house.
    • Over the last two weekends we have done good stuff planting plants, drastically pruning shrubs, re-felting the summer house, stacking the log pile, macro-weeding and other sundry maintenance tasks.
    • Harriet, Elizabeth and Catherine were sitting in the summerhouse.
    • There are also a number of ancillary buildings including offices, workshops, gatehouses, a summerhouse and turbine house.
    • I'd like to tackle the blank canvas of the back garden, and especially I'd love to take on the wild banks, making a small woodland garden down there, complete with a hidden brook and, at the very bottom, a pool and a summer house.
    • The next stage of their project is to acquire funding to build a summerhouse on a platform deck.
    gazebo, pavilion, belvedere, arbour, bower, pergola
    1. 1.1usually summer house A cottage or house used as a second residence, especially during the summer.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The origin of that tonic was a summerhouse in Southampton, N.Y., where Scanlan hosted friends each weekend in the late 1980s and early ' 90s, when he was ill.
      • While their new home is being built, the small order of monks divide their time between Papa Stronsay and a summerhouse on Stronsay.
      • When Michael invites Tom on holiday with the family in their summerhouse, Tom takes a liking to a young pretty actress, called Avice Crichton (Lucy Punch).
      • Thanks to Coleen, I have not forgotten Nova Scotia, as we spend 2 weeks in August every summer at her family's summerhouse in Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island.
      • Leaving such a fundamental issue to private capital is like vacating the summerhouse without securing the front door.
      • Originally a fortified summerhouse belonging to the local caid (district administrator), it was abandoned in 1956, when Morocco won its independence from the French, and fell into ruin.
      • With their two children grown and gone, Rosie and Bob Clark wanted to create a home within a home at their rambling old summerhouse on New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee.
      • The Perrse had a summerhouse in New Quay and they called it Mount Vernon after the summerhouse of George Washington.
      • Now, after 30 years, Marianne has an inexplicable yen to see her 81-year-old ex and tracks him down at his summerhouse in the mountains.
      • "I was wondering if we couldn't all go to my summerhouse to have some kind of New Year's breakfast."
      • After the birth the family returned to Kildare, but their main residence was their summerhouse, Frescati in Blackrock, County Dublin.
      • Marianne (Liv Ullman), divorced for many years from Johan (Erland Josephson), comes to visit him at his summerhouse.
      • Eve rents a summerhouse in the village of Norfolk, imagining that it would be an ideal summer retreat set amidst an idyllic surrounding.
      • If she stayed at the summerhouse while he went away, he would be worried constantly, but he could not slight the men by taking Anna only.
      • When they arrived at Anna's summerhouse, they found Raine and Gris waiting for them.
      • Summerhouses like this one are full of great memories and special spaces for "putting up" company.
      • So whether you are at home, or in your summerhouse on the seaside, you can always watch the programs you want.




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